How Much Does a Sales Engineer Make in Boston?

Sales engineers in Boston, MA, can expect to earn a median salary of $105,000.

How Much Does a Sales Engineer Make in Boston

Sales engineers play a critical role in many businesses, and their salaries can vary depending on the company they work for and the city they live in. How much does a sales engineer make in Boston? This blog post will not only explore that question and provide some insights into what sales engineers can expect to earn in this thriving metropolis but also what sales engineers are, how to become one and skills needed to thrive in that profession.

What is a Sales Engineer?

Sales engineers are in high demand, with companies looking to fill positions that will help them increase their market share. A sales engineer is a professional who helps a company sell its products. They work with clients and customers to identify what products or services they need, and then work with the sales team to create a proposal that meets those needs. Sales engineers also work with customers after they’ve made a purchase, to ensure that they are getting the most out of their investment. They may also be responsible for training new employees on how to sell the company’s products.

How much does a sales engineer make in Boston?

Sales engineers in Boston, MA, can expect to earn a median salary of $105,000 according to This is considerably more than the national median salary for a sales engineer which is $87,000 per year. Salaries are not always static – they can change based on the company you work for, if its straight salary or if bonuses are available and how much experience you have. On BuiltinBoston, they show that the minimum salary you can expect to make in Boston for a sales engineer is $64,000 while the max salary is $212,000.

Minimum $64,000
Median $105,000
Maximum $212,000

How do you become a sales engineer?


The first step to becoming a sales engineer is receiving an education, which will give you the technical foundation necessary to join whichever industry you’re interested in. The type of coursework you take should be based on the specific industry you are interested in pursuing. Usually they are from within engineering or science disciplines.

The skills of a sales engineer are vast, as they typically have experience and degrees in various engineering disciplines such as computer science, mechanical engineering, or electrical engineering.

Choosing a Specialty

When you’ve finished your degree, you’ll want to specialize in an area of work that interests you. Some potential industries include:

  • Architectural design
  • Automated machinery (e.g for automobile manufacturing, etc.)
  • Computer hardware equipment
  • Computer systems design
  • Manufacturing
  • Telecommunications

You may also have to take post-graduate classes or programs to ensure that your skills are compatible with the current market and that you understand what it takes to be successful in that specialized industry.

What skills do you need to be a successful sales engineer?

Here are some of the characteristics that a successful sales engineer should have.

1. Possesses technical and soft skills.

To be successful in their job, sales engineers must be technically oriented and possess interpersonal and soft skills that will allow them to succeed in sales. It is critical that sales engineers are able to express complex technological concepts and product features in a simple, easy-to-understand manner.

2. Able to work well with others.

Sales engineers must excel at working with others since they collaborate with sales reps to offer their knowledge. The ideal sales engineer-sales rep collaboration entails the two parties working closely together. They develop technically sound sales strategies to better serve their target consumers. If a sales representative requires assistance creating speaking points for an upcoming presentation, for example, the engineer should be able to figure out how to talk with him or her so that he or she may prepare for the close.

3. Problem solving capabilities

It is the duty of a sales engineer to know how the technical specifications of their products can assist in solving customer issues. A good sales engineer should always be looking for ways to make their product more appealing and convenient for the customer so that they will want to purchase it.

4. Can take complex topics and re-explain them in a relatable way.

Salespeople may be in the field, but they are sometimes accompanied by sales engineers who can present information or answer technical queries that arise during sales pitches. To assist their firm win the deal, they should be able to communicate information correctly, confidently, and in a few words.

5. Experience in sales

The goal of a sales engineer is to understand the importance of the sales process. They must, however, have extensive technical expertise to help make a transaction that is beneficial to both the client and the firm, so having prior experience in sales in a must.