Business Lawyer Salary in the USA 【Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

The Average Business Lawyer Salary in the U.S in 2022 is $112,532 per year

Business Lawyer Salary

The average business lawyer salary in the U.S in 2022 is $112,532 a year. The maximum salary given to a business lawyer in the U.S is $200,000 while the minimum salary given to them is $61,000. 

Business Lawyer Salary In 2022:

Less than 2 years$70,000
More than 2 years$115,000
More than 5 years$168,000

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How Much Does a Business Lawyer Make?

A business lawyer has great knowledge and is flexible, and so is the business lawyer salary. He comes in to solve business problems through reviewing contracts, consulting businessmen, negotiating intricate deals, and litigating in courts.

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What Does A Business Lawyer Do?

A business lawyer makes their clients understand what difficulty they are surrounded by and provides them with all the insights they need to know. They come up with creative and effective ideas to solve their issues and save them from getting into trouble in the future as well.

Top 10 Cities With Highest Business Lawyer Salary:

City Annual Salary
San Jose, CA $119,292
Oakland, CA $117,918
Tanaina, AK $117,384
Wasilla, AK $117,382
Hayward, CA $115,449
Seattle, WA $114,670
Concord, CA $114,383
Sunnyvale, CA $113,730
Santa Cruz, CA $112,414
Seaside, CA $110,926

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So the most recent data from the US Bureau of Labor Statistics is that the median annual income for lawyers is $121,000 per year. Now keep in mind that this number includes lawyers from all sectors, all cities, all different levels of experience. To give you guys a deeper dive into how that median annual income plays out, the lowest 10% of practicing attorneys are earning $58,220. The 25th percentile of practicing attorneys is making $79,160 per year. And the top 75th percentile is making $182,490 per year.

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And if you’re talking about where the highest the concentration of lawyers are working, so where the most legal jobs are, the top five list is California, New York, Florida, Texas, and DC. But what about the cities that pay their lawyers the highest? The top-paying state for legal jobs, our DC with an average salary of 193,000 per year. California with an average salary of 172,000 per year, New York with an average salary of 167,000 per year, Massachusetts with an average salary of 166,000 per year, and Connecticut with an average salary of 154,000 per year.

Who is a Lawyer?

Lawyers are highly educated and trained professionals, who have earned their Juris Doctor Degree after passing the bar examination. Not all lawyers wear black coats, or shout allegations, and quarrel in front of a jury in a court. The truth is many lawyers never have to visit a court. as they are not the ones who have to defend their clients against a crime or have to act as prosecution.

Who Needs A Business Lawyer?

Their clients are businessmen and corporates who require legal counsel regarding business violations and staff lawsuits. They also guide their clients regarding property sale and purchase and take care of the legal loopholes that a businessman might not be able to pick.

How Much Does A Lawyer Earn?

The average lawyer salary is around $112,532 per year. The business lawyer salary comes under the amount received by privileged salaried people.

Business Lawyer, An Umbrella Term

A business lawyer is an umbrella term, which gathers different specialties of business lawyers under one platform, so their salaries also depend upon their particular field of expertise.

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All The Business Lawyers

There are six types of business lawyers. The first one is a general business lawyer. They serve by providing advice in almost every legal discipline. The second is the employment and labor lawyer. Their expertise lies in drafting employee manuals to maintain safety standards. The third one is mergers and acquisitions lawyers. They deal with mergers and acquisitions and do their best to negotiate the best deal for their clients. The fourth is the tax layers. They save the business owners from certain legal actions while getting audited. The fifth is intellectual property lawyers. They deal with all the brand recognition concerns and handle issues relating to trademarks, patents, and copyrights. The sixth and the last is the contract lawyer. They are experts in making the right contract that best suits a business.