Periodontist Salary in 2022 【Complete Guide】 | CareerExplorer

Average Periodontist Salary in 2022 is 257,000 USD Per Year

Periodontist Salary

The Average Periodontist Salary in 2022 is 257,000 USD Per Year. Periodontist Salary ranges from the maximum value of 389,000 USD to the minimum value of 139,000 USD.

Periodontist Salary in 2022:

Less than 2 years139,000 USD
More than 2 years257,000 USD
More than 5 years389,000 USD

Read More: Endodontist Salary

Periodontist Salary in the Cities of the USA:

City Average Salary
Atlanta 251,000 USD
Austin 297,000 USD
Baltimore 256,000 USD
Boston 267,000 USD
Bristol 212,000 USD
Chicago 325,000 USD
Cincinnati 236,000 USD
Cleveland 243,000 USD
Dallas 301,000 USD
Denver 297,000 USD
Detroit 283,000 USD
Honolulu 223,000 USD
Houston 310,000 USD
Indianapolis 286,000 USD
Iowa City 222,000 USD
Jacksonville 297,000 USD
Kansas City 248,000 USD
Kent 223,000 USD
Las Vegas 256,000 USD
Long Beach 257,000 USD
Los Angeles 312,000 USD
Memphis 277,000 USD
Miami 255,000 USD
Minneapolis 245,000 USD
New Orleans 239,000 USD
New York 329,000 USD
Oakland 254,000 USD
Oklahoma City 263,000 USD
Orlando 238,000 USD
Philadelphia 315,000 USD
Phoenix 328,000 USD
Sacramento 264,000 USD
San Antonio 304,000 USD
San Diego 299,000 USD
San Francisco 290,000 USD
San Jose 296,000 USD
Seattle 295,000 USD
Tampa 243,000 USD
Vancouver 216,000 USD
Washington D.C. 282,000 USD

Learn More: Sonographer Salary

Periodontal practice these days consists of treating gum disease. Number one is how periodontics started because gum disease is the most common cause of tooth loss. Why is it a common cause you don’t know you have it it doesn’t cause pain by the time you’re aware of it?

Usually, it’s so advanced, the teeth have to be removed and so we treat gum disease first and foremost to save teeth and most of our patients are referred by their dentist because the dentist recognizes that they have gum disease. Not only the patient also do dental implants if you do have to lose the tooth and we try every way we can to save it to a fiddly.