Sonographer Salary in 2022 【USA Complete Guide】 | CareerExplorer

Average Sonographer Salary for the year 2022 is $81,029 Per Season

Sonographer Salary

The Average Sonographer Salary for the year 2022 is $81,029. Their salary ranges from $41,000 to $118,000 per season. This salary difference is very huge and is due to the experience and seniority of the Sonographer.

Sonographer Salary 2022:

Less than 2 years$41,000
More than 2 years $62,500
More than 5 years$118,000

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Sonographer Salary in Cities of United States:

City Annual Salary
San Jose, CA $98,294
Oakland, CA $97,175
Tanaina, AK
Wasilla, AK $96,775
New York, NY $96,502
Hayward, CA $95,141
Jackson, WY $95,038
Norwalk, CT $94,789
Seattle, WA $94,485
Vallejo, CA $94,462

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Sonographers do not diagnose that’s one of the biggest things they tell you which are under the direction of a physician. So, we do the investigating so we’re more the investigators we passed all of our evidence to the physician, who will then diagnose so that’s just like a brief description of the job. So, the next question people may have is what do ultra-sound techs do.

What they do is or some of the things they do within their job description is preparing the exam room before the patient. The salaries given to them is $80,000 so the crystals that are in there you definitely want to take care of make sure you’re not chopping. Just take care of your equipment as you would do in any position after your scans. You would write reports on your skin results, so your job doesn’t end in the exam room. Once you are done, you go in and you type up your results. It is called your sonography report.