Amazon Program Manager Salary in 2022 【Exact】 | CareerExplorer

Average Salary of a Amazon Program Manager is $92,619 Per Year

Amazon Program Manager Salary

Average Salary of an Amazon Program Manager for the year 2022 is $92,619 Per Year. The Salary ranges from the maximum limit of $110,000 to the minimum limit of $67,000. 

Amazon Program Manager Salary 2022:

Entry Level$67,000
Early Career (1-4 Years)$75,000
Mid Career (5-9 Years)$93,000
Late Career (10-20 Years)$110,000
Experienced (20+ Years)$137,000

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What is the Amazon Program Manager Salary By Job Title/Industry?

Job Title Annual Salary
Project Manager $74,729
Logistic Manager $67,069

Logistic Management Specialist $65,932
Operations Manager $66,390

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The first, general Amazon Program Manager base salary is very straightforward. The second is a year-one and a year-two on hire bonus. And then the third is restricted stock units. So if you were entitled to a $60,000 a year-one sign on bonus, you’re just gonna get $5,000 per paycheck. So think of it as additional cash. And then those restricted stock units. You’re gonna receive those at the end of year one, the end of year two, and then two and a half months. So Amazon’s maximum salary that they’re going to provide you at least in 2020 is $160,000. Now, if you come in and your base salary is not $160,000, and you’re at a higher level, don’t be surprised, because you might, they might start you at essentially $150,000, $155,000.


What does a program manager at Amazon do?

Amazon program manager’s duties include timely and successful delivery of the system, anticipating problems and bottlenecks, making tradeoffs, and do efforts, and taking measurable risks to maximize the business profit.

How much does an L7 program manager make at Amazon?

An L7 program manager at Amazon makes a $186 base salary whereas $411k in total including bonus and other benefits.

How much does a program manager 2 make at Amazon?

The average salary for a Program Manager II is $119,931 per year in United States.

How much does a Level 5 at Amazon make?

The average salary for an Area Manager Level V is $57,843 per year in United States

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