Occupational Therapy Salary in 2022 【Exact Salary】 | CareerExplorer

Average Occupational Therapy Salary is $92,159 per year

Occupational Therapy Salary

The Average Occupational Therapy Salary is $92,159 every year. Their salary ranges from $39,000 to $149,000. The maximum salary is $39,000 and the minimum salary is $149,000.

Occupational Therapy Salary 2022:

Beginner (Less than 3 years)$39,000
Intermediate (More than 3 years)$92,159
Professional (More than 6 years )$149,000

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Occupational Therapy Salary in Cities of US 2022:

City Annual Salary
Sunnyvale, CA $110,021
Santa Cruz, CA $109,004
Santa Rosa, CA $106,548
Napa, CA $105,385
Williston, ND $104,399
Manhattan, NY $104,126
Princeton, NJ $103,371
Barnstable Town, MA $103,318
Cambridge, MA $103,129
San Mateo, CA $102,338

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An occupational therapist could easily make in the 60, 70s even 80s or more thousand dollars a year. In this state, one can make about 45 maybe $50,000 a year. As a new guide and I would say fifty thousand dollars would be on the higher end of that spectrum. People are making all across the country about 42 to $50,000 full-time therapists make and it was about 85,000 that popped up. They make about thirty maybe forty dollars an hour depending on where you work and if your salary or if your contractor. If you are a  contractor, you could expect that rate be more like a forty-five to $50 an hour depending on the clinic and sometimes if you are a contractor you will have to be a 1099 contractor.