Construction Engineer Salary 【 Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Salary of a Construction Engineer is $89,484 per year

Construction Engineers Salary

As of the year 2022, the Average Salary of a Construction Engineer is $89,484 every year. There salaries range from $129,000 to $62,500 every year. Their maximum hourly wage is $62 and minimum hourly salary is $30. 

Construction Engineer Salary in 2022:

Less than 2 years$62,500
More than 2 years$89,000
More than 5 years$129,000

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Construction Engineer Salary in Cities of the U.S:

Cities Annual Salary
Lakes, AK $104,105
San Francisco, CA $103,682
Santa Clara, CA $102,481
Washington, DC $101,098
Los Angeles, CA $99,935
Fremont, CA $99,777
Jersey City, NJ $98,630
Green River, WY $98,128
San Buenaventura, CA $98,126
San Jose, CA $98,076

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Construction engineers design, build and supervise infrastructure projects and systems. These infrastructure projects include roads, buildings, airports, tunnels, dams bridges, and systems for water supply and sewage treatment. Many construction engineers work in planning design construction research and education. The construction engineer salary statistics in the year 1999; the average construction engineer made fifty-five thousand, six hundred and fifty dollars. By the year eighteen, this average pay had risen to ninety-three thousand seven hundred and twenty dollars. So, civil engineers over a period of twenty years had a weight growth of thirty-eight thousand seventy dollars. This comes out to a yearly gain of one thousand, nine hundred and three dollars every single year. So, we can estimate that the average civil engineer in the United States will make ninety-five thousand, six hundred and twenty-three dollars in 2019.