Mechanical Engineer Salary in the USA 【Latest 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Mechanical Engineer Salary in the US for the year 2022 is $72,000 Per Year

Mechanical Engineer Salary in US

Average Mechanical Engineer Salary in the US for the year 2022 is $72,000 Per Year. The top earners are getting paid $100,000 Per year. While the beginners are getting a salary of $55,000 Per Year.

Average Mechanical Engineer Salary in US 2022:

Less than 2 years$55,000
More than 2 years$72,000
More than 5 years$100,000

Learn More: CPA Salary Canada

Mechanical Engineer Salary by Job Title:

Job Title Annual Salary
Engineering Designer          $72,325
Computer Aided Designer $71,653
Microsoft Officer $70,151
Solid Workers $69,632
Project Managers $74,176

Read More: Construction Engineer Salary

How much does a mechanical engineer make? We’re going to talk about the salaries of mechanical engineers in the United States. What you might be surprised to find out is how much salaries vary based on location, even within the same company. Now, if you saw the thumbnail it’s not clickbait the average yearly salary for a mechanical engineer in Alaska is twenty-eight thousand six hundred and ninety dollars.

So, thanks to Forbes and some research. For example, the average yearly salary for a mechanical engineer in California is a hundred and seven thousand three hundred and seventy dollars a year. In Arkansas, it’s seventy-one thousand seven hundred and thirty dollars, depending on the cost of living. The average national salary for a mechanical engineer in the United States is $92,800, which comes in at almost double the average national salary of all other occupations.