Garbage Man Salary in USA 【All Cities 2022】 | CareerExplorer

The Average Garbage Man Salary in the United States is $55,000 per year

garbage man salary

The median garbage man salary is $55,000. The maximum salary a garbage man gets is $ 50,540 and the minimum salary provided to a garbage man is $28,880.

Garbage Man Salary in 2022:

Less than 2 years$28,880
More than 2 years$37,840
More than 5 years$50,240

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Garbage Man Salary in Cities of USA 2022:

City Annual Salary
San Francisco, California               $63,970
Chicago, Illinois $63,950
San Jose, California
Salinas, California $59,930
California $59,600
Illinois $60,710
New York $59,150
Washington $54,570
Connecticut $46,580
California $56,500

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The basic garbage man salary in New York starts at nearly $70,000 and includes benefits and a pension plan as the veteran squishy Airy pulls down six figures with overtime. It’s not an easy job but it’s one the city relies on there must be some joy in knowing that if these guys weren’t there city would completely collapse. Without a doubt without forgetting your garbage picked up, the city would be a disaster. It’s job of a garbage man that your trash is dumbed down the middle of the Pacific Ocean faces away the heart of China’s capital city faces away and in the U.S. communities from coast to coast is a way go inside and discover exactly where the garbage goes when we throw it away tragic the secret life of garbage.