Plastic Surgeon Salary in Canada 【Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Plastic Surgeon Salary in Canada 2022 is C$451,688 Per Year

Plastic Surgeon Salary Canada

The Average Plastic Surgeon Salary in Canada 2022 is C$451,688 Per Year. The maximum salary given to a Plastic Surgeon is CA$605,823 Per Year. While their minimum salary is CA$297,021 Per Year.

Plastic Surgeon Salary in Canada:

Less than 2 yearsC$297,021
More than 2 yearsC$451,688
More than 5 yearsC$605,823

Read More: Neurosurgeon Salary Canada

Plastic Surgeon Salary by Job Title:

Job Title Annual Salary
Physician Surgeon C$329,650
Physician General Surgery C$327,518
Physician Plastic Surgery C$307,860
Surgery Physician C$264,151
Pediatric Plastic Surgeon C$260,884

Learn More: Orthopedic Surgeon Salary Canada

Orthopedic surgeons topped the list, the average orthopedic surgeon’s compensation was a staggering $511,000 per year. The bottom of the list includes doctors working in family medicine and public health but let’s keep it real even the doctors at the bottom of this list make more than 99 of other occupations.