Average Salary in Indonesia 【Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Salary Indonesia in 2022 is 146,000,000 IDR per year.

Average Salary in Indonesia

The average salary in Indonesia is around 146,000,000 IDR ($841.17)  and some of the high paid employees can make up to 54,200,000 IDR ($3767.88) annually.

Average Salary in Indonesia 2022:

Less than 2 years3,070,000 IDR ($213.42)
More than 2 years12,100,000 IDR ($841.17)
More than 5 years54,200,000 IDR ($3767.88)

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What is the average monthly salary in Indonesia?

People living in Indonesia can earn between 12,100,000 IDR ($841.17) on average. The median salary in Indonesia is 11,400,000 IDR ($792.51) per month. This implies that half of the population’s average salary in Indonesia is less than the median, while the other half earns more than the median. Ideally, everyone would want to be on the right side of the graph, though it is improbable.

The salary in Indonesia ranges from 3,070,000 IDR ($213.42) to 54,200,000 IDR ($3767.88) per month. The above-mentioned average salary in Indonesia is inclusive of housing, transport, and other bonuses and perks. The minimum wage in Indonesia varies considerably based on profession and city.

The minimum wage in Bali is 2297968 IDR ($159.75). The different parts of the county generally show a steady rise in the minimum salary per year to manage the impact of inflation and the rising cost of living. The governor of each province sets the minimum wage in an area. While it is also possible to reach a mutual agreement between employees and employers, the remuneration should not be less than what is set by the governor.

If you want to earn higher salaries, they are often offered in Jakarta, Surabaya, Medan, etc. Jakarta is the capital city of Indonesia. The average salary in Jakarta is RP125 million ($8689.75), but the cost of living in the capital city is also almost double the living expense in other parts of the country. It is the commercial center of Indonesia and a financial hub due to being the most important export center of the country.

What is the Average Salary in Indonesia by different Job Titles?

Job Titles Annual Salary
Administration Sector 1.3 M IDR ($90.54) to 2.9 M IDR ($201.97)
Banking Sector 1.3M IDR ($90.54) to 5.4M IDR ($376.08)
IT management 1.7M IDR ($118.39) to 7.1M IDR ($494.47)
Management Sector 4.1M IDR (285.04 USD)
Top Management 10.5M IDR ($731.26).

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Indonesia is an emerging economy globally. The appeal of Indonesia is increasing as a regional powerhouse. People from around the world are looking towards this country for job positions. The best feature of the Indonesian economy is that all cities are taking an equally productive part in developing the country into a regional economic hub.

Therefore, it is worth exploring this country for economic and work opportunities. One aspect playing an essential part in attracting talent worldwide for work opportunities is the average salary in Indonesia offered to potential employees.

If you plan to live in Indonesia or start on a work opportunity, it is essential to know about the average income Indonesia offers to people as income is a direct determinant of your lifestyle. The average salary in Bali or any other city of the country is provided in its national currency, which is the Indonesian Rupiah (IDR or RP).

How difficult is it to find a job in Indonesia?

For foreigners, finding a job is quite different as it already has a massive population of its own looking for the job. The quickest way to find a job is to have an internal transfer from the company in your home country. Additionally, there are also work opportunities for people with TEFL or ESL certification. Alternatively, several jobs and recruitment sites can help you apply to the companies having open job positions.

How much is the average salary in Indonesia according to career fields?

Average salaries in Indonesia significantly vary according to your career field. Some are higher-paying, while other careers are at the lower-paying end of the salary spectrum. For instance, people in administration earn in the salary range of 1.3 M IDR ($90.54) to 2.9 M IDR ($201.97) with an average of 2M IDR ($139.29). In Indonesia, banking, management, and Information technology are among the highest paying sectors.

For instance, the management sector is among the high-paying sectors with an average salary of 4.1M IDR. In the banking sector, the salary ranges from approximately 1.3M IDR ($90.54) to 5.4M IDR ($376.08), averaging at 3.1M IDR ($215.90). In the information technology sector, people can earn between 1.7M IDR ($118.39) to 7.1M IDR ($494.47). in the information technology sector. The differences occur due to their respective posts in the field. Regardless of the industry, the top management gets the highest salary with an average of 5.8M IDR ($403.94) and can go as high as 10.5M IDR ($731.26).


The average salary in Indonesia depends on a particular industry, location, and cost of living in a specific area. Therefore, Jakarta offers a higher average salary than other parts of the country. There are some higher paying fields as well, including Law and legislation, leasing, management, and Information technology, to name a few. If you really want to make a higher average wage in Indonesia, you should consider one of these professions.

Average salary in Indonesia is 393,214,158 IDR per year. The most typical earning is 98,266,741 IDR. All data are based on 1,950 salary surveys. Salaries are different between men and women. Men receive an average salary of 448,588,312 IDR. Women receive a salary of 325,377,510 IDR.


What is the average salary in Bali?

The minimum wage of a worker in Bali is about $140/month. However, the high-paying job holders make around $500/month.

Why is the Indonesian wage so low?

The primary reason behind the low wage and salaries in Indonesia is because of the imbalance ratio between the job market and the qualified workers. The jobs are fewer, however, the people are more qualified. So, it all comes down to supply and demand.

What is a high-paying job in Indonesia?

The maximum salary range from Rp 150 million to Rp 250 million/month, in the sectors of Property & Construction, Business & Financial Sevices, Consumer & Retails, and Industrial & Manufacturing.

How much do teachers earn in Indonesia?

A teacher teaching English in Indonesia can typically make from $1,000 to 1,500 per month.

Indonesian Salary by Region