CPA Salary in Canada 【Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average CPA Salary in Canada for the year 2022 is $69,732 Per Year

CPA Salary Canada

The Average CPA Salary in Canada for the year 2022 is $69,732 Per Year. The maximum salary given to the employees is  $110,284 and the minimum salary given to them is $35,794 Per Year.

CPA Salary Canada 2022:

Less than 2 years$35,794,
More than 2 years $56,593
More than 5 years $110,284

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CPA Salary in Canada by Job Titles:

Job Title Annual Salary
Director CPA $109,788
Work From Home CPA CFO $100,981
Tax Manager CPA $80,129
Work From Home Partner CPA Firm $77,092
Regional CPA $89,859

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CPA is abbreviated as Certified Public Accountant. Career as a CPA in Canada is a very popular course. People who finish their undergraduate in accounting are in the graduate diploma program and another version of it is the masters in accounting program.

So, the master’s in accounting programs offered by York University is the graduate diploma program is offered by tons of universities now. After doing this diploma, a CPA can earn a handsome amount of money. At the start, the salary given to a CPA is in five digits. but, after the CPA has gained experience, his salary can also go to six digits.