Psychiatrist Salary in Canada 2022 【Exact Salary】 | CareerExplorer

Average Psychiatrist Salary in Canada for 2022 is C$154,000 Per Year

Psychiatrist Salary

The Average Psychiatrist Salary in Canada is C$154,000 Per Year. The maximum salary given to a Psychiatrist in Canada is CA$298,000 and the minimum salary is CA$66,000. The job of a Psychiatrist is one of the highest paying jobs in Canada.

Psychiatrist Salary Canada 2022:

Less than 3 yearsCA$66,000
More than 3 yearsC$154,000
More than 6 yearsCA$298,000

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Psychiatrist Salary in the Cities of Canada:

City Annual Salary
Scarborough                     C$154,638
Barrie C$140,849
Nepean C$133,711
North Bay C$129,939
Orangeville C$115,651
Milton C$98,214
Guelph C$87,769
Mississauga C$75,818
Oshawa C$69,412
St. Catharine’s C$66,228

Learn More: Average Salary in Toronto

Physicians working in orthopedics saw a staggering C29 thousand dollar raise between 2019 and 2020. immunologists saw a 26 000 wage increase the vast majority of medical fields are earning far more money every year. The average base pays for psychiatrists at C$103,000 per year by 2019. The average base pay had increased to C$220,000. So, the average base pay for psychiatrists increased by C$116,000 from 1999 to 2019. Basically, more than doubling this comes out to average yearly wage growth.