Nursing Salary NZ in 2022 【Updated Salary】 | CareerExplorer

Average Nursing Salary NZ is 76,800 NZD per year

Nursing Salary NZ

The average nursing salary NZ in 2022 is 76,800 NZD annually. The salary ranges from 40,700 NZD to 117,000 NZD a year.

Nursing Salary NZ in 2022:

Less than 2 years40,700 NZD
More than 2 years76,800 NZD
More than 5 years109,300 NZD

Read More: Registered Nurse Salary Canada

Nursing Salary NZ By Job Title:

Job Title Average Salary
Acute Care Nurse 87,300 NZD
Assistant Director of Nursing 137,000 NZD
Company Nurse 64,000 NZD
Critical Care Nurse 83,700 NZD
District Nurse 72,900 NZD
Head Nurse 85,700 NZD
Home Nurse 73,100 NZD
ICU Registered Nurse 79,600 NZD
Informatics Nurse Specialist 83,200 NZD
Licensed Practical Nurse (LPN) 76,000 NZD
Mental Health Nurse 77,500 NZD
Neonatal Nurse Practitioner 113,000 NZD
Nursing Assistant 67,700 NZD
Nursing Coordinator 93,300 NZD
Nursing Director 180,000 NZD
Nursing Services Instructor 82,500 NZD
Nursing Supervisor 116,000 NZD
Psychiatric Nurse 70,500 NZD
School Nurse 66,700 NZD
Staff Nurse 76,400 NZD
Theatre Manager 131,000 NZD

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So when you are working in an aged care facility for a nurse like beginners after a cap program the salary is that they pay you hourly so it’s 28 – 29 NZD per hour that’s the starting rate. Then once you have experienced your pay will going to go up depending on your experience. If you are working with the DHB which is the district health board it’s a government funding hospital.