IT Consultant Salary In 2022 【Updated Pay】 | CareerExplorer

Average IT Consultant Salary in 2022 is $79,386 a year

IT Consultant Salary

The average IT consultant salary in 2022 is $79,386 annually. Their salary ranges from the lowest value of $49,000 and the highest value of $139,000 per year. This includes benefits like bonuses and commission as well.

IT Consultant Salary 2022:

1-4 years $51,000
5-9 years $96,000
10-19 years$131,000

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IT Consultant Salary By Job Titles:

Job Title Annual Salary
Director IT Operations $130,833
Senior Management Consultant $121,914
Technology Applications Consultant $115,362
IT Security Consultant $110,079
IT Strategy Consultant $109,642

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We can give you an idea kind of what pays the most so level one jobs and helpdesk type of jobs obviously they paid the least those are entry-level jobs. Administrator types of positions that’s when the pay rate starts to bump up a little bit. The Chicago area system administrators the pay rate goes from like $50,000 on up I seen system administrators make like $90,000 a year I’ve seen in some cases they make like $100,000 a year. It really depends on the area, it depends on how large the company is even if it’s a large company if you have a couple of system administrators that pay rate might change too just because it’s a large company you may not make a ton of money you may make like that $50,000 – $60,000.