Walgreens Pharmacist Salary 2022 【Latest Payscale】 | CareerExplorer

Average Walgreens Pharmacist Salary in 2022 is $115,526 annually

Walgreens Pharmacist Salary

The average Walgreens pharmacist salary for the year 2022 is $115,526 a year. Their salary ranges from $73,000 to $165,000 per year. This salary range includes additional bonuses and compensation as well.

Walgreens Pharmacist Salary 2022:

Less than 1 year$73,000
More than 3 years$115,000
More than 6 years$165000

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What is the Walgreens Pharmacist Salary In Cities Of the U.S?

City Annual Salary
Redwood City, CA $99,614
New York City, NY $94,164
San Mateo, CA $92,920
Boston, MA $89,931
Juneau, AK $89,920
Berkeley, CA $89,302
Daly City, CA $89,050
Santa Monica, CA $88,886
Quincy, MA $88,517
Renton, WA $88,471

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Let’s start honestly speaking in USA a pharmacist earned on average $53 per hour isn’t it amazing with the lowest of $22.50 to the highest of $94.57. Here is a brief distribution of salary by specific job positions you can decide what type of pharmacist you want to be whether it be in retail setup or hospital or in clinical settings it depends on your interest so decisions about your specialty as a pharmacist different states have different salaries it depends on the demand and supply rule inflation rate and living expenses also play a role one has to get board certifications for specific states in which he wishes to work you can check specific requirements online or by contacting your university.


What is the highest paying field of pharmacy?

Pharmacists in hospitals/health systems earn the most money, with an average annual salary of $127,700 ($61.41 per hour).

How much can a pharmacy tech make at Walgreens?

The median pay for a Walgreens Pharmacy Technician is $16 per hour. Pay ranges from $10 to $32 per hour for a Walgreens Pharmacy Technician.

How Much Do Pharmacists Get Paid?