Sonographer Salary in Texas, USA 【Updated 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Sonographer Salary in Texas for 2022 is $73,000 Per Year

Sonographer Salary Texas

The Average Sonographer Salary in Texas for 2022 is $73,000 Per Year. The maximum salary of a sonographer $96,000 Per Year. The minimum Salary of a Sonographer is $50,000 Per Year.

Sonographer Salary in Texas 2022:

Less than 2 years$48,000
More than 2 years$70,000
More than 5 years$86,000

Read More: Sonographer Salary

Sonographer Salary in Texas by Job Title:

Job Title Annual Salary
Sonographer $72,604
Ultrasound Technologist $79,084
Diagnostic Medical Sonographer $81,181
Cardiac Sonographer $85,181
Vascular Ultrasound Technologist $59,181

Learn More: Sonographer Salary UK

How much one makes as an ultrasound tech after graduation? After working from February 2017 to December 2017 as a new grad ultrasound technologist income that year was around $80,000 before taxes. So, you can see that it is possible to make a good amount of money even as a new grad. I’m not just saying that that’s going to happen right away or that that’s going to happen as soon as you graduate because a lot of people have a hard time finding a job right after.