Human Rights Lawyer Salary 【Updated 2022】| CareerExplorer

Human Rights Lawyer Salary in 2022 is around $122,268 per year

The salaries of Human Rights Lawyers in the US range from $25,058 to $676,300 , with a median salary of $122,268 .

Human Rights Lawyer Salary 2022:

Less than 2 years$25,058
More than 2 years$122,268
More than 5 years$676,300

Read More: Lawyer Salary in California

Human Rights Lawyer Salary in 2022 by job titles:

Job Title Annual Salary
Remote Employment Attorney $98,202
Remote Civil Rights Attorney $86,207
Disability Rights Attorney $85,734
Creditors Rights Attorney $82,937
Water Rights Attorney $82,526

Whereas other types of law are catered more to individuals.So family law, criminal law, immigration law. And when you’re talking about these different types of clients, the larger clients are able and willing to pay these high rates because you are in turn making them a lot of money.they obviously don’t have the same economic resources and you might not actually be making them money at all.