Medical Lawyer Salary in 2022 【Average Wage】 | CareerExplorer

The average Medical Lawyer Salary in 2022 is $85,550 Per Year.

Medical Lawyer Salary

Medical Lawyers have a tough job in the United States. The average salary given to a medical lawyer is $85,550. The medical lawyer salary ranges from the highest value of $104,800 and the lowest value of $76,000 per year.

Medical Lawyer Salary in 2022:

Less than 2 years$76,000
More than 2 years$85,550
More than 5 years$104,800

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What Does a Medical Lawyer Do?

Also commonly known as ‘medical malpractice attorney’ and ‘medical malpractice lawyer,’ such attorneys work in collaboration with the healthcare sector interacting with their professionals. Interactions are based on defending cases concerned in the afore-mentioned sector by building a solid case, interviewing witnesses, collecting relevant medical data, and consequently, speaking in the court to reach negotiations.

The salary of medical lawyers is earned in two ways. Lawyers can choose to be on the side of clients/patients or medical professionals themselves. Henceforth, typically, a healthcare attorney can either defend the case of a client who wants to sue someone in the healthcare sector. Or can work for hospitals and clinics to defend against such allegations and provide guidance to healthcare professionals on how to practice their duties and rights. 

Medical Lawyer Salaries by States 2021:

States Annual Salary
California 89,900
Colorado 78,800
Connecticut 81,100
Florida 70,100
Illinois 84,400
Michigan 76,000
Nevada 56,000
Montana $30,000
Texas $114,500

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In the United States, medical lawyer jobs are vastly available because of the high demand from the healthcare sector, as well as the handsome medical lawyer salary. Therefore, among numerous law careers and their salaries, the median medical attorney salary is ranked 10th position. 

Besides the question, ‘how much do medical lawyers make,’ there are other questions that need to be answered as well, as given below. 

How To Become a Medical Lawyer?

How much does a medical lawyer makes eventually stems down from how well one achieves in the process of becoming a healthcare attorney. 

Starting from the basics – one must receive a bachelor’s degree with no specific major required. After undergraduate, LSAT (Law School Admission Test) must be taken. The score of the LSAT and GPA in college determine how good a law school one will get into. Therefore, after the LSAT, attending law school is the next step. 

To specifically secure healthcare attorney jobs, taking medical-related classes is recommended. During law school, one must also do an internship and explore clinical opportunities for law students. 

After attending law school, to practice as a lawyer, the bar exam must be taken and passed. Once that is done, one can choose to start their firm or work under experienced lawyers and judges in medical law to polish their skills. 

Given that one has worked for at least five years, becoming board certified is the next step. The final step for aspiring medical lawyers is to earn a Master of Law degree in health law. These programs will ensure greater knowledge in healthcare to be better practice health attorneys. 

What Is The Healthcare Lawyer Salary?

Med mal attorney salary in the United States ranges from $76,000 to $96,000 USD per year. Given this data, the median med-mal defense attorney salary is approximately $85,550 USD. The salary varies with the state one is practicing in, education, and years of experience. 

The medical lawyer salary in the 25th percentile is roughly $76,000 USD and in the 75th percentile, it amounts up to nearly $96,000 USD. The healthcare attorney salary earned in the 90th percentile is seen to be about $104,800 USD. 

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Medical Lawyer Salary by State:

Each state has a different average of medical malpractice defense attorney salary as compared to the US average. Following gives some states and the average medical lawyer salary in the locality: 

  • California: $89,900 USD/year
  • Colorado: $78,800 USD/year
  • Connecticut: 81,100 USD/year
  • Florida: $70,100 USD/year 
  • Illinois: $84,400 USD/year
  • Michigan: $76,000 USD/year
  • Nevada: $56,000 USD/year
  • Montana: $30,000 USD/year
  • Texas: $114,500 USD/year

Hence, the salary of a medical lawyer is determined by a few factors, but all seems worth it in the end!