Singapore Lawyer Salary in 2022 【 Actual Salary 】 | CareerExplorer

The average salary of a lawyer in Singapore is 197,000 SGD per year.

Singapore Lawyer Salary

The salary ranges of a lawyer in Singapore are between 96,100 SGD to 308,000 SGD. The average salary of a lawyer in Singapore in 2022 is 197,000 SGD per year.

Singapore Lawyer Salary in 2022:

Less than 2 years96,100 SGD
More than 2 years197,000 SGD
More than 5 years308,000 SGD

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How Much Do Singapore Lawyers Make?

In 2022, the Singapore lawyer’s salary on average is 197,000 SGD per year. The salaries of these individuals range from 96,100 SGD to 308,000 SGD and a monthly salary of 13,953 SGD. The above yearly salary figure includes housing, transport, and other benefits. But, it does vary according to experience, skills, gender, or location.

For individuals who have an education level of a Bachelor’s Degree, the average salary of an Attorney is 111,000 SGD per year. Furthermore, a lawyer with a Master’s Degree can earn a salary of 175,000 SGD per year. A Ph.D. degree holder can earn pay of 293,000 SGD per year.  An attorney in Singapore having less than two years of experience earns approximately 97,700 SGD per year. Those who have experience levels between two and five years earn almost 130,000 SGD per year. The Singapore lawyer salary for those who reach a 10-year mark of experience earns a salary of 193,000 SGD per year.

Highest Paying Salaries for Lawyers in Singapore 2022:

Singapore Cities Annual Salary
Tanjong Pagar $ 13,878
Outram $ 10,942
Singapore $ 10,582
Raffles $ 8,051
Marina Bay $ 6.498

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The life of a lawyer in Singapore is a hectic one. The individuals have to go through an extremely competitive selection process to get into this field of study and to get training for this profession. But, all the hard work that these individuals do is paid off in the form of a good lawyer salary in Singapore.

How To Be a Lawyer in Singapore?

In order to start a career in the legal sector, an individual must have certifications from a reputable university. In Singapore, there are a few universities that offer 4 years degrees in the Bachelor of Law programs. This includes the Singapore Management University (“SMU”) and the National University of Singapore (“NUS”). A Juris Doctor postgraduate program from SMU is also enough. But, a 3.0 GPA is the requirement to get into SMU

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Lawyers in Singapore have to put in long hours of study during school and learn new skills to furnish their CVs. Most of them also take unpaid internships throughout their tenure. The individuals may face multiple rejections before being called to the Bar. However, the Singapore lawyer salary is good enough to make a living out of it.

Are lawyers in demand in Singapore?

There continues to be a strong demand for lawyers across a number of practice areas, such as: Corporate/M&A. Banking and Finance. Capital Markets.

What is Lawyer Salary in Singapore? – Jobs and Salaries in Singapore