Facebook Project Manager Salary 【Real Salary 2022】 | CareerExplorer

Average Facebook Project Manager Salary is $120,657 per year

Facebook Project Manager Salary

The Average Facebook Project Manager Salary for the year 2022 is $120,657 per year. The highest salary given to them is $180,000 per year and the lowest salary paid to them is $34,000 per year.

Facebook Project Manager Salary 2022:

Starting Salary$54,000
More than 3 years$100,000
More than 6 years$133,000

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Facebook Project Manager Salary by Job title:

Job Title Annual Salary
Program Manager $128,080
Global Project Manager Salary $140,112
Application Project Manager $114,990
Director of Program Manager $257,642

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Facebook as a staff software engineer making five hundred thousand dollars per year. Facebook generally has three different types of interviews. You can usually tell which one you may be at they have coding systems design and behavior. So, the coding focuses on just your average sale each code. The type of questions and what you have to solve some coding exercise and that’s really what’s I’ll go pro which I talked about it’s going to help you get through and a lot of junior engineers.

They stumble on this portion or they just miss out on a lot of these problems. The systems design interview is not so focused on coding and in fact they’ll probably get a little bit mad if you start coding too much. They want you to talk about how these pieces of code interact with each other. Facebook had been implementing and they probably just appreciated that I was able to collaborate with them to solve that right there and then there are also questions about holistically structuring.